IceHouse Artists
Read more about the artists that live and create in the Lehigh Valley.
Our Mission
Patchwork promotes storytelling as a vibrant, contemporary art form, as well as a folk tradition, a way of celebrating life, and a tool for personal and social transformation.
Patchwork's vision is to enable storytellers a forum to make complex ideas plain and meaningful through the art of storytelling, to highlight that similarities outweigh differences among people and cultures, and to forge paths to informed and humane decision-making.The purpose of Patchwork: A Storytelling Guild is to encourage and promote storytelling as a vibrant means of communication, an extension of human expression, and a performing art.Patchwork seeks to build and sustain a supportive storytelling community, welcoming both novice and experienced tellers and listeners. The organization provides opportunities for storytelling training, performance, and education, and fosters collaboration among diverse communities.